Cheyenne and Apollo


I confidently gave birth to my son in a pool in our bedroom, and that’s largely due to Ray and Victoria’s incredible care

queer parent water birth with refuge midwifery

Working with Ray and Victoria was one of the highlights of my pregnancy and birth experience! The most important thing to me in a health care provider is someone who listens, hears, takes their time, and sees me as a person — all things I have rarely (never, really) experienced with a doctor.

When I became pregnant last summer, I had already been dreaming of a home birth in water and I knew I wanted to work with Ray and their team long before my pregnancy (my husband and I were trying for a baby for a long time!) And when Victoria joined the team toward the end of my pregnancy we fell in love with her as well. During my home birth they stepped in only when necessary and otherwise let me labor in peace. When it came time to push, Ray was by my side gently encouraging me and ready to help me catch my own baby (which was my preference and my dream!).

I confidently gave birth to my son in a pool in our bedroom and that’s largely due to Ray and Victoria’s incredible care not just at the birth itself, but throughout my pregnancy. Afterward, when my placenta was having a hard time coming out, Ray and Victoria calmly did what they needed to do while also letting me know what was going on and what they were doing along the way. When my placenta finally came out, and they checked for a tear, they both agreed it’d be best for me to head to Jefferson to have my tear tended to by the doctors there. They called ahead for us, gave me a big hug and sent me on my way while they stayed with my husband and baby to clean up and get them settled. Care continued for six weeks after birth and today was my last appointment with them — can’t wait for the next baby!

Rachel Rachlin